INBC Post-Season Information can be found under the News/Events tab or click here.
The Indian Nations Basketball Conference (INBC) is home to the best youth Basketball in Oklahoma. Providing a youth basketball environment that touts some of the best high school basketball programs in the state. The INBC provides our area youth with the opportunity to experience the great game of basketball in select and rec divisions to provide a competitive and safe atmosphere.
Upcoming Information
Welcome to Indian Nations Basketball Conference. We sincerely hope you find our site both informative and user friendly. We have developed this site under the premise that it will always be a work in progress and continue to grow and develop. This is the beginning or foundation to what is to come. Over the next several years we will be adding additional content, archives, web links and shopping to the site as well as continue to develop the club sites which we hope will become a invaluable link to your Game Day destination. In our growth and efforts to become a better conference, we continue to ask you for your feedback. If you have any suggestions on making this website better, please feel free to email those comments to
Be sure to follow us on Facebook for any updates.